Bout of Books – Wrap up

This is just a short post letting you all know how I did for the rest of Bout of Books.
I ended up finishing The Final Empire and starting The Well of Ascension. I read about 150 pages of this.
Over the last four days of the read-a-thon I read about 750 pages. This for me was a huge amount of reading as I normally don’t read 200 pages a day. I was super happy with how I finished up this read-a-thon and not to bothered that I missed some of the read-a-thon from my cold.

One part of the read-a-thon I’m a bit sad about is the challenges and update posts. I really didn’t do many of these as I joined in late due to my cold and couldn’t quiet get settled into a posting routine. I think next time I might try and set some goals relating to my blog posts and the challenges because I feel like I missed out on the community of the read-a-thon. I’m looking forward to the next bout of books which is in August.